Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Thinking About Cupcakes?

We are.

Friendly people are always stopping by Hawaii Palms with all kinds of delicious snacks. Last Friday, Sara showed up with some homemade chocolate cupcakes. They were delightful! But how to eat a cupcake properly? How can we make sure we get all that chocolatey goodness in our mouth without getting the frosting (that sweet creamy glaze on top of the cupcake) all over our face? Well, here is how..

First, peel back the cupcake liner

Using a plastic knife, cut the cupcake in half, dividing the top from the bottom

Turn the top of the cupcake upside down so the frosting is between the 2 halves

Press down to secure the two halves together

Take a bite of your cupcake without worrying about the mess

Cupcake and frosting in every mess-free bite

So next time you see Sara, make sure to ask her for the recipe to her delicious chocolate cupcakes. Go ahead and eat them right out of the oven; if you eat your cupcake like we eat our cupcakes, you won't even need a napkin.

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