Friday, October 25, 2013

Some Ordinary Roses

Last Friday morning on her way to work, Kayoko walked through the Sheraton Waikiki, found a rocking chair, took a seat, and smiled. She smiled because she could feel how much her perspective had changed since moving to Hawaii. She smiled at the thought of rainbows, clouds, birds chirping; she smiled at the reality of everyday life in Hawaii.

Sitting in that rocking chair smiling at he beach, Kayoko suddenly had a feeling of being on vacation. So she sat here, rocking back and forth, enjoying the peaceful moment.

Kayoko sat there for about 10 minutes. She then rocked to her feet, fully energized, ready for another exciting day at Hawaii Palms.

Kayoko reminds us to take a moment to smell the roses. So go ahead and find your rocking chair, smile at your thoughts, and value the seemingly ordinary things that make you happy.

And have a wonderful weekend!

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