Monday, October 20, 2014

Good day, mate!

Junichi is a former student at Palms who studied for eight weeks and stayed with a local host family. When he first came to Hawaii, he had a difficult time communicating. 

"When I came to Hawaii, I couldn't speak English at all. At school, I didn't know what people were saying and I didn't know what to say to them. However, the more I studied, the more I was able to understand. I would preview and review my classes every day, and soon enough I was able to better express myself. Nowadays, I live and work in Australia, and I find that what I learned at Hawaii Palms is very useful.

"If you are looking to improve your English, it's not enough to just go to school. You need to study and review at home as well as practice your English outside of class. If you put in the effort, your English will definitely improve. Good luck!"